finland Articles

Lifehack currency

Haven't gotten around to the e-mail script yet, what would qualify? I check it so regularly often anyway that that is not something I want, I also don't get that many e-mails. On to another script that would assist me when I need to send money between a non-euro country …

Opiskelija suomea - study Finnish

Just been to the immigration arbetskraftsbyrå in Hakaniemi. The course I have found that's out in Espoo should be ok. They may pay for it too as their requirement is 14-16 hours per week and at least four days per week! They sort the classes in different categories. Mine was …

Moved to Finland

Just starting the blog off. I moved to Helsinki, Finland in the beginning of December 2010. Not going to promise any special topics besides that it will probably be relating to me :p