Book Review - The Hunter's Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore

Another great thing about being around home is to go find a proper library, I even found a fantasy/sci-fi shelf in the English part of the library on Rikardinkatu.

I have been on the lookout for some new long series to get my hands into but just I just have not been able to get excited about any of my attempts lately. Not since I read the Stephen Eriksson's books about the Malazan Empire. Now that's some fantasy that keeps my attention up most of the time. Not the boring kind where there's a lot of introspection and very detailed fights - like in first and half second book of the Hunter's Trilogy(see after that I could not handle it anymore and let the book go).

The characters in the Hunter's Trilogy does not feel real! Maybe this is because you get this hunch that even though they may get seriously injured they always tend to make it in the end due to some heroic effort by one in the gang.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, I've read loads of Terry Pratchett, David Eddings, Tad Williams (Otherland) and Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time epics) which I enjoy.

So I went for this book I found at a flea market the other day: Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman - Good Omens. Good so far, most things about gods/religion fascinate me.

Maybe the Malazan books has gotten me spoiled? What will I do now? Do I have to look for books in another genre or sub-genre at the least?