#studying Articles

BCFP - How to prepare for the exam

Until now I've been just reading the material, when there's something unclear in the material I've looked it up in command reference guides, release notes, user guides or otherwise on the Intertubes. This doesn't really prepare you for the format the exam is in. I mean the exam is in …

BCFP - more studying

OK, so now you've been studying for a while? Read the material once or twice, made notes. Have you read more details about a command in the command reference guide, or more details about a technique in the FCIP Admin Guide or the FOS guide? Or how do you do …

BCFP - 16G Studying

Another studying tip! Head over to the forum/community at Brocade. Do it. After you read this post :p For example in the BCFP there will be questions about NPIV, so it makes sense to read the forum for threads regarding NPIV. Right? I mean there's bound to be troubleshooting …