BCFP - more studying

OK, so now you've been studying for a while? Read the material once or twice, made notes. Have you read more details about a command in the command reference guide, or more details about a technique in the FCIP Admin Guide or the FOS guide? Or how do you do your studying?

Now would be a good time to head over to the page where you see the requirements/objectives of the exam.

Write them down and think about each. Could you for example 'Demonstrate knowledge of how to manage FCIP/FC distributed external solutions' ? No? Why not? What parts about it do you not understand, are there any foggy parts, etc. If you can explain this to somebody, that's a great achievement (now you just have to find somebody who doesn't get glazed eyes but listening to you talk about fibre channel). Maybe if you imagine a presentation (like in school) and you have to tell somebody about this specific feature. What would you go over?

Two weeks left for me now. Just hit me today that it's 4 hours long and 180+ questions (so about 1min 20seconds per question). My brain is not going to function very well after the test. Gotta stock up on carbs, don't drink before.