#storage Articles

BCFD – CFD200 – Module 5 – Data Center Design Concepts

Objectives: Discuss general considerations such as attachment, availability, performance and scalability. But also solutions for needs: replication, tape backup, application and databases. This module is quite long. Topologies and Topology Considerations Single Switch Simplest: one switch. HA: use two. Pro: 0 hops. Con: no redundancy. Starting point. Management becomes difficult …

BCFD - CFD200 - Module 4 - SAN Software Features

Overview / Preparation Module 3 / SAN Infrastructure The idea for this is for me to write down the things I read about in the modules. As a way for me to learn what they're about and think about them other than just reading them and forgetting them. If I write it …

BCFD - CFD200 - Module 3 - SAN Infrastructure

This is a post in a series where I will go through the modules made available for free by Brocade for the beta test of the BCFD 16Gbps exam. If there's any objection to me writing about these in this detail here please let me know. First module available (is …

Brocade Certification - BCFD - Fabric Designer - Preparation

BCFD exam is going into Beta testing in January as well! This post will be updated as I move along through the different objectives / documents. // Update 2012-01-15: Added the Knowledge Assessment Test. // Update 2012-01-28: Went through each .pdf and updated some in here. The link to the Brocade page where …

  • 2011-12-15
  • it

RHCSA – Rapid Track – Day 4

Last day! A little more kickstarting, LVM - logical volume management and File ACL. Then a rehearse of the previous chapters. Feeling a bit excited about tomorrow! These ACL were a bit more complex than I thought, but they could be made very complicated if you want to. But there's the …

  • 2011-12-14
  • it

RHCSA – Rapid Track – Day 3

Wow, what a day! Some great stuff today It ended with configuring a kickstart file, starting an unattended installation via PXE by referring to said kickstart file on an http-server. Before that we were playing with partitioning, making swap, encrypting with cryptsetup and LUKS. Also very interesting. After we learned …

BCFP 16G Beta - I passed!

In a moment of frustration/impatience I posted on 'Brocade Certified' that it was still 3 weeks until the results are posted. Good boss of training Joe Cannata replied that I could e-mail him and get the results before. I did, and I passed! Most excellent and kind of them …

BCFP 16G : Post-Exam

OK, did the exam. Took 2.5 hours. It felt like I was plowing through them pretty fast but after some 80-questions the speed dropped significantly and I started to have trouble focusing. Short unfocus/try to think about something else , stand up a bit helped. This test wasn't as …

BCFP - good threads in the brocade forum

How to set up two FCIP tunnels between two B7500: http://community.brocade.com/message/15261 Connecting two sites via FCR: http://community.brocade.com/message/16828#16828 Set up FCIP between two B7800: http://community.brocade.com/message/14216#14216 Why is there an IP in ipaddrshow on FC …

BCFP - more studying

OK, so now you've been studying for a while? Read the material once or twice, made notes. Have you read more details about a command in the command reference guide, or more details about a technique in the FCIP Admin Guide or the FOS guide? Or how do you do …