#red Articles

  • 2011-10-14
  • it

How-To : Update Spotify on RHEL6 x64 native client

See the post for how to install spotify on a Linux Client (RHEL 6 x64 in my case). This post is for how to upgrade. 2012-02-01: Updated, added --nodeps to the rpm upgrade. 2013-01-08: This has been confirmed to work with spotify-0.8.8, updated typo in symlink part. Why …

Install Scientific Linux 6 in VMWare Workstation

Time for some more Linux testing. The reason for this is because I think I will go ahead and try to study for the RHCSA - Red Hat Certified System Administrator. Work might send me to a course in December, probably wise to play around with it before this. So here …


Got this for ps3 from verkkokauppa.com when it was released (yay, shipping from Åland = no taxes = lots cheaper games). Great if you live in Finland :) Anyway, the game is pretty awesome (I haven't played it since NHL '94) but there are quite a lot of bugs that cause the …

  • 2011-08-25
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How-To : Install Spotify on RHEL6 x64 native client

Hey! You need premium for RHEL6 native client to work. If you get it to work with WINE it would work for free (as a plus you get it with the very annoying ads). My machine is a RHEL 6 64-bit. The only requirement I had was that I did …

  • 2011-07-13
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Reading encrypted/password protected pdf on Linux

The problematic PDF The CFP300 material on http://community.brocade.com/docs/DOC-2041 is encrypted so that it cannot be printed/re-edited without a password. If you try to open this with evince (default .pdf viewer in Gnome) it will ask for a password. pdftotext (comes with the software suite …

  • 2011-05-14
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HP Virtual Room Installation on RHEL 6 x64

http://forums11.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?threadId=1478734 I couldn't get it to work. Eventually I installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in a VM in Virtualbox and in there it worked. However, resolution is only 800x600. So I found this page: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php …

  • 2011-03-22
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Firefox 4.0 is here! - Or - I went with Google-Chrome instead

Firefox download links: Windows http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/4.0/win32/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%204.0.exe Linux http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/4.0/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-4.0.tar.bz2 Mac http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases …

  • 2011-02-27
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Time Sync for Linux VMs in VMWare Workstation

You may have seen in my previous post about EyeOS that I tried many things to get time in sync on the virtual OS. It was drifting lots of time and after a few hours it was an hour behind. Google tells me this is quite common but I …

  • 2011-02-22
  • it

RHEL 5 + Unity

See my previous post for how to install it. A couple of days later and the time is still in synch. When I logged on there was a pop-up saying there were some updates. Put in root password and you get to see which are updates, the ones with a …

  • 2011-02-21
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) in VMWare Workstation

Test with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Download: Sign up for an evaulation on https://access.redhat.com/downloads/ rhel-server-5.6-x86_64-disc1.iso VMWare Workstation does find this in "easy install". Not doing that this time. 20GBdisk (default) and 1552MB RAM (default 1024MB) install in either graphical or text mode, going …