#natty Articles

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

Time for another 'do-release-upgrade'! This took away dwm-tools and suckless-tools (amonger other stuff). This means that META+p does not work anymore. So you cannot start any apps. Just install them again with 'sudo apt-get install dwm' and you're good to go. Don't even need to restart anything. Found this …

  • 2011-05-23
  • it

Upgrade Ubuntu 10.10 to Natty

Saw this note today in the MOTD - that I can upgrade with do-release-upgrade. Official instructions/details from Ubuntu and here is another quality post on unixtutorial. My Ubuntu 10.10 is running inside a VMWare Workstation Virtual Machine on my Windows 7 x64. I did it over ssh with 'sudo …

  • 2011-04-03
  • it

Ubuntu 11 in VMWare Workstation

Time for another test! This time it's Ubuntu 11.04 Natty. My setup is a Intel Core i7 920 on Windows 7 x64 with 8GB RAM. *** Update 2011-04-29 - I just heard that if you run this in a Virtual Machine you do not get all the shebang on the default …