#kvm Articles

  • 2012-06-16
  • it

Red Hat Certification - RHCE - KVM via CLI

In a previous post while preparing for RHCSA I installed kvm post-installation, via the GUI. But how to install, configure and use it only from the CLI? Virt-Manager http://virt-manager.org/page/Main_Page has some details As a test-machine I'm using a server with Scientific Linux 6.2 (with virtualization …

  • 2011-12-09
  • it

Red Hat Certification - RHCSA - Preparation

[toc] https://github.com/mconigliaro/RHCE-Cheat-Sheet Found this "cheat sheet" for RHCE. Sure it doesn't specifically say RHCSA but honestly there's a lot of good commands in there. Some things obviously might be too advanced for RHCSA, such configuring an dns/named service. But it might be good as a …

  • 2011-10-26
  • it

Scientific Linux 6 - Basic Setup

Not allowing root to log in By default sshd is running on SL6 and you can ssh in with 'root'. Probably a good idea to change this in /etc/ssh/sshd_config permitrootlogin no But first, create a user that can log in. useradd mart passwd mart Then you can change …

Install Scientific Linux 6 in VMWare Workstation

Time for some more Linux testing. The reason for this is because I think I will go ahead and try to study for the RHCSA - Red Hat Certified System Administrator. Work might send me to a course in December, probably wise to play around with it before this. So here …