finland Articles

SunOS 5.11 OpenSolaris Man Page Trick

Ever had to read a man page on a Solaris system? You'll see these SunOS 5.11 System Administration Commands on each page in the manpage, making it quite hard to read. To make it more readable you can run this: man $1|grep -v 'SunOS 5.11'|grep -v …

BCFP - VF - Virtual Fabrics

The free material does not go through the virtual fabrics and the exam objectives does not mention them specifically. Even so - it's probably a good idea to get some grip about it anyway as it is mentioned in the BCFP 8G material and there are questions concerning it in the …

Ubuntu + Automatic Software Updates

How often do you actually log on to your machine - hit sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade without reading what the changes are? I do it every time, unless it's a dist-upgrade we're talking about. So how do we get this going? The tool you're looking for is called cron-apt …

Fantasy Book Review - Steven Erikson - The Crippled God - Part 1

Warning: this post contains spoilers if you haven't read Dust of Dreams or the previous books in the series Malazan Book of the Fallen. This post is part of a series, I will create additional one throughout the book (basically I'm just testing which is best: use one post and …

Buying Kindle in Finland

On the 28th I purchased it around 1900. Today on the 30th at 0820 it arrived in the airport in Helsinki. Also yesterday somebody called and said it would come this week. Update: It's now on the way to my work! Got it around 12 or so. Less than 48 …

Music of the Day - 30th of June - poprockindie

Young the Giant - My Body # I like the first comment on the youtube - "When i heard this song for the first time i automatically loved it. Not very many songs can do that.". What I didn't like was was written on the blog where I found the song: "That's a …

Fantasy Book Review - Steven Erikson - Dust of Dreams

Grabbed this book a week or two ago and have been steadily pulling myself through it. Not done yet, some 300 pages left. I have crappy memory so if I write down what's going on right now, maybe that will help me remember the book later :) It is the 9th …