finland Articles

Songs of the day – 30 of March – 2011

Juke Cartel - Save Me# rock, much more so than the previous ones I've mentioned :) Angel Jonathan - Jahel# trancey! apparently a little Irish going on at 2:15 :) Strength of Strings - The Keys # popped up under mood 'partay'. Beginning should've been under 'mellow' for sure :) But the song increases in happiness …

Post Updated: Moving to Finland

Hey! Not sure if people click on the links in the top, the one in particular this time is the Moving to Finland one - or I just updated it because after I got a job I finally got into The System. Have not gotten a …

Songs of the day - 25 of March - 2011

Same story as last time: I am listening from the laptop speakers while working so not listening to the lyrics much. I put in 'open mic' or a special mood in thesixtyone and see what comes up! Great way to find new music :) Awake My Soul - Momford & Sons # sing/song …

Songs of the day 23st of March - 2011

Graciously taken from listening to today. Some links go to the youtube some to Please note that I rarely listen to the actual text of the songs, just the music and the rhythm. Primarily because I do not listen to them from my head phones, my …

Playstation 3 - it's purty

Got one this weekend, together with Gran Turismo 5 and Little Big Planet (or something like that), we've only played GT 5 so far but it's pretty darn amazing! It's quite hard but we do win - complete the challenges in the beginner level at least ;) Altogether quite expensive stuff, but …

DWM - not your average mainstream window manager

Have been playing around with a new window manager (new as in for me, I've only used fluxbox, kde and gnome before) called DWM - see more information on I'm running it on a T400 with RHEL6 (which uses gnome login manager - gde). Basically if you want to …

DWM editing the bar to show time

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources while true; do # BAT=$(acpi | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed s/","//g) CLK=$( date +'%H:%M') # xsetroot -name "$BAT | $CLK" xsetroot -name "$CLK" sleep 1 done | while true; do ~/bin/dwm; done Hello from future Johan, the above also looks super weird. Think these days I just run …

Movie Review - The Man Without a Past

Kotimainen Elokuva- Mies vailla menneisyyttä [by Aki Kaurismäki] Black Comedy? We decided to take a peak at it because it was nominated/won an Oscar under 'foreign film'. So it should be good then right? Turns out they of course can be …


Linksies! Planets: Imagine a year being only 10 days! I'd be sooo old! Roughly one thousand years old. Maybe I would qualify as a jedi? LHC: Nice comment about the above …

Science-Fiction and Fantasy Books in Helsinki

Where to find them? Where are some good second hand shops, new book shops, any tips on buying from the Internet. Number 1: the library. The library system here in Finland is actually quite awesome. You can go to their website and search and reserve books (costs 50c this year …