#dcache Articles

  • 2012-03-01
  • it

OpenIndiana + PostgreSQL + dCache

This is a test for installing openindiana and set up a working dCache test-vm dCache is a storage element of the Grid (scientific computing). OI == OpenIndiana. Kind of like opensolaris with an Illumos kernel, not the sun/oracle kernel. With https://www.guldmyr.com/esxi-vmware-workstation/ as a base for how …

  • 2011-11-18
  • it

Simple RRD graphs

This is how to create simple RRD graphs using one data source that can be 0 and above. It is not an "ever increasing" counter. It will look like this: 1. Create the rrd database I wrote this down in a .sh file so I can go back later and …