SDN Course - Interview with Google Network Lead

This week in the SDN course on coursera there were lots of examples of real use of SDN stuff, for example like the B4 WAN by Google. They got a really interesting and cool interview with the Network Lead at Google - Amin Vahdat. And! They actually put this interview up on youtube so you don't have to be registered for the course on coursera to view the interview. Actually I just noticed all the interviews are there, including the one I mentioned before with the Internetz Architect David Clark.

Programming assignment for this week is to work with pyresonance, which is based on resonance + pyretic which is a controller that can change how network is forwarded/routed based on outside things, like network intrusion or bandwidth caps. This is really new stuff. The code that was put on github was put there just 3 days ago :)

Assignment is to create a load balancer and forward traffic to hosts depending on load :)