it Articles

  • 2016-03-18
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RH413 - Red Hat Server Hardening

I'm attending this training in a week or so. This post will be updated as I go through the sections I want to check out before the training starts. Track security updates Understand how Red Hat Enterprise Linux produces updates and how …

  • 2016-02-15
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Let's encrypt the web - renewal

So easy! just: As I ran the letsencrypt-auto last time, I did again. sudo systemctl stop nginx cd letsencrypt git pull ./letsencrypt-auto enter enter etc sudo apache2ctl stop # .. why did it start apache2 automatically? sudo systemctl start nginx Since letsencrypt-auto version 0.5.0 it's: sudo systemctl stop nginx cd …

  • 2015-12-05
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let's encrypt the web!

Letsencrypt is finally in public beta! Got from https enabled on my own play webhost today with let's encrypt! There are many good guides for getting this setup. This is how I got it working with nginx (without using the experimental nginx plugin of letsencrypt). on the webhost …

  • 2015-06-07
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Was there an NHL game last night?

Yesterday my Internet activities was restricted unnecessarily! While waiting for the replay of last night's NHL game to air, I didn't want to browse quite a large chunk of my normal Internets - because knowing the score while watching the game sucks. Unbeknownst to me - there was no game last night …

  • 2015-01-18
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Nagios Health Check of a DDN SFA12K

Part of my $dayjob as a sysadmin is to monitor all things. I'll be publishing my home-made nagios checks on github in the near future. Here is the first one that uses the Web API of a DDN's SFA12K (might work on the 10k too, haven't tried) which is a …

  • 2014-10-26
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High amount of Load_Cycle_Count on Green Western Digital disks

You are monitoring the SMART values of your disks right? They're usually a real good indicator of the health of the drive. Thought I'd check out the SMART value of the disks in my desktop today (while checking if I had notifications from smartd on). Low and behold, the Load_Cycle_Count …

Finnish words from ankidroid

Lately I've been using ankidroid to study Finnish - or at least to expand my vocabulary a bit. I think it's great but it won't work by itself and requires quite a bit of tenacity. The good Finnish deck: it's called "Finnish järjestyksessä". It's made …

  • 2014-06-30
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BCEFP 2015 certified!

coverImage: "original.gif" Passed the Brocade Certified Ethernet Fabric Professional 2015 exam in May and I finally got the results back! This one felt quite hairy compared to the other tests I've taken. Definitely recommend doing the course / getting some …

  • 2014-05-30
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BCEFP 2015 – Studying for the exam - part 3

coverImage: "original.gif" This third post focuses on the remaining sources of information I had for studying for the BCEPF. At the time this post is published I have taken the exam. When I make comments to CLI commands I put them after a #. This is part of a series …