- 2014-03-25
- it
- #bcefp, #brocade, #certification, #study
Brocade Certified Ethernet Fabric Professional - BCEFP - is available for free right now! I signed up and if you pass it you're in the drawing for a $500 amazon coupon each week/month :)
Ethernet Fabric you say? "As a Brocade Certified Ethernet Fabric Professional, you must be able to demonstrate knowledge of IP, SAN, and FCoE concepts, "
What to focus on: http://community.brocade.com/t5/Certification/BCEFP-Exam-Preparation/m-p/56467
To register for the exam, head over to the post on reddit. Basically there's a pdf with the voucher you use when registering for the exam on pearsonvue.
Currently the "CEF 250" is free, but it's not the main curriculum for the course.