Arch Linux on a T400 - Log

Trying out Arch Linux on a Lenovo T400!

First step after getting the T400 Dual Core Centrino 2.26GHz 4GB RAM: replace the 160GB spinning rust to a 120GB Samsung 840. Very easy to take out the old disk and put the new SSD in the carrier. has some details. and the Beginner's Guide are quite helpful.

To make it easy, the partition layout I created with parted was:

mklabel: MSDOS mkpart: pri, 0%, 300M /boot ext4 - flag bootable mkpart: pri, 300M, 100%, /, ext4 No swap!

Install base and some important packages to disk after mkfs and mounting and setting up mirrors:

pacstrap /mnt base dialog iw wpa_supplicant grub parted sudo alsa-utils vim ttf-dejavu openssh screen

Beginners'_Guide had sufficient instructions to set up the boot loader, except this was needed or the grub-mkconfig would fail with syntax error.

echo "GRUB_DISABLE_SUBMENU=y" >> /etc/default/grub

After successful boot time to get a graphical display up and running :)

Beginner's guide to the rescue: Beginners'_Guide#Graphical_User_Interface

Lightdm was easy to set up and worked right out of the box, which GDM did not. DWM was easy too, I think I can get used to using the ABS/makepkg stuff. Nicer than compiling it and copying the binary around.

Windows key is Mod4Key in config.h for DWM.

Packages and getting chromium-pepper-flash working:

  1. Install all the dependencies for Aura
  2. Download aura and makepkg -i install it
  3. aura -A chromium-pepper-flash

alsamixer and pressing "m" mutes/unmutes a channel :)